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Product Information

Afghan campaign group of five to Lt. Colonel Charles Edward Wylde MacDonald, Imperial Yeomanry late 13th Lancers

Afghan Medal officially named to: LT. C.E.W. MACDONALD 13TH BL. LANCS.

Egypt Medal officially named to: LIEUT C.E.W. MACDONALD 6TH BENGAL CAVY. Single clasp for Tel-El-Kebir.

India Medal officially named to: MAJOR C.E.W. MACDONALD 6TH BL. CAVY. Clasps for Punjab Frontier 1897-98, Samana 1897 and Tirah 1897-98.

Queens South Africa Medal officially named to: LT. COL. C. MACDONALD IMP. YEO. Clasps for Cape Colony, Orange Free State, Transvaal, South Africa 1901 and 1902.

Khedives Star unnamed as issued.

Charles Edward Wylde MacDonald was born 24th Sept. 1854 and first served with 45th Foot. He joined the Indian Army 28th Feb. 1874. He served in four major campaigns and commanded the 23rd Compay Imperial Yeomanry in the Boer War. Lt. Colonel MacDonald died 29th Nov. 1923.

Product Code: EM4011

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