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Product Information

Army of India 1799-1826, to Clough 53rd Foot

2 clasps, Nepaul, Ava S. Clough, 53rd Foot short hyphen reverse, officially impressed naming, good very fine and rare to regiment. 

Provenance: Gaskell Collection 1911; Needes Collection 1940; Dalrymple-White Collection 1946; Elson Collection 1963; Dix Noonan Webb, March 2008.
Only 7 officers and 10 men of the 53rd received this medal for Nepaul. Clough’s medal is unique to the 53rd with an additional clasp for Ava gained with the 13th Foot. Assistant Surgeon Miller was attached to the 53rd Foot in Nepaul and to the 47th Foot at Ava but is shown on the roll of the latter regiment.
Samuel Clough was a weaver from Oldham, Lancashire, prior to enlisting into the 53rd Foot. He was admitted to Chelsea Hospital as an out-pensioner from the 13th Foot on 11 October 1826, aged 39, in consequence of ‘wounded right leg and long service’. He is stated to have served in the 53rd for 17 years 8 months, and then in the 13th Foot for 4 years 1 month, of which he spent 19 years 11 months on India service.

Product Code: EM3303

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