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WWI DSO, OBE Group of eight to Lt. Colonel W.H. Walker A.V.C.

DSO And OBE unnamed as issued.

1914 Star with clasp officially named to: CAPT. W.H. WALKER A.V.C.

War and Victory Medals officially named to: LT. COL. W.H. WALKER

French, Order of Agriculture unnamed as issued.

Portuguese Military Order of Aviz with breast badge.

Khedives Sudan Medal unnamed as issued with clasp for Sudan 1912.


Colonel Walker was born on10th January, 1883. at Torquay. He received his first commission in the Army Veterinary Corps on 5th February, 1906, and after serving at Aldershot and in Ireland he sailed for India early in 1907. He was stationed at Lucknow until April, 1910, when he was seconded for service in the Egyptian Army and proceeded to Khartoum. He was promoted Captain on 3rd February. 1911.

Colonel Walker was in England on leave when war broke out in 1914. and, returning to the British Service, he proceeded to France with the 5th Division in command of No. 15 Mobile Veterinary Section.

He returned to England in March, 1915. assumed command of No. 4 Veterinary Hospital, and took this unit to France in June of that year. He remained in command of this hospital at Calais until the end of 1919, when, after a short period at G.H.Q., B.E.F. he returned to England and was posted to India early in 1920.

During his service in France while still a Captain he had held the ranks of temporary Major for four years and acting Licutenant-Colonel for fifteen months.

He reverted to Captain on his return to England, but on arrival in India he resumed the rank of temporary Major, and proceeded to Persia as D.A.D.V.S. of the East Persia Cordon until the end of 1920, when he returned to India and was posted to Meerut.

He was promoted to the substantive of Major on 3rd of Feb. 1921 then assumed command of the Army Veterinary School, Ambala, which position he held until being appointed D.A.D. V.S. at Army Headquarters, India, in April, 1923.

He was promoted Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel on 28th June. 1924. and returned to England the following year. After a period of service in the Aldershot Command, he was appointed A.D.G., A. V.S at the War Office on 1st April, 1928, and continued as such until promoted to substantive Lieutenant-Colonel on 15th April, 1930.

He was then posted as A.D.V.S., B.T.E., at Cairo, where he remained until promoted Colonel on 25th October, 1933.

For the last four years of his service he was D.D.V Aldershot Command.

While with the Egyptian Army he took part in the operations against the Beir and Annuak tribes in the Southern Sudan, for which he received the Sudan Medal and clasp.

For his services in the Great War he was three times mentioned in despatches and was awarded the D.S.O., the O.B.E, the 1914 Star and clasp, and the British War and Victory Medals. He also received the French Order of Merit (Agriculture) and the Military Order of Aviz (Commander) in recognition of services rendered by him to the French and Portuguese Armies respectively. 


Product Code: EM4003

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