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Product Information

Egypt group of four to Colonel Clementi, Bengal Staff Corps

Egypt Medal officially named to: MAJOR M. CLEMENTI B. S. CORPS. Single clasp for Tel-El-Kebir

Order of Osmanieh and Khedives Star .

Royal Humane Society Medal officially named to: LIEUT. M. CLEMENTI  26, DECEMBER 1869

Very fine.

Colonel Clementi entered the Indian Army in 1858. He served in the North-West Frontier in 1863 and was present at the capture of Umbeyla. He served in the Egyptian War of 1882 as Deputy Judge Advocate- General with the Indian contingent and was present at Tel-El-Kebir, being awarded the Order of Osmanieh. He retired with the rank of Colonel 1888.

The Royal Humane Society Medal is confirmed on the medal roll, case number 18481, Morar Lake, Gwalior.

Product Code: EM4267

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